张蕾现任北京大学人口研究所副所长,副教授,博士生导师。2012年美国布朗大学交流学者,2015-2016年澳大利亚国立大学访问学者;2013年入选北京市“青年英才计划”,2006年入选国家自然科学基金委员会 “青年科学家暑期计划(Young Scientist Summer Programme;YSSP)”。兼任中国统计学会残障统计分会常务副会长,中国人口学会第九届理事会理事,北京市人口学会第十届理事会常务理事,残疾人事业发展研究会残疾人口和统计专业委员会副主任委员兼秘书长,北京大学中国残疾人事业发展研究中心主任。亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank,ADB)专家顾问(National Demographer),联合国人口基金(UNFPA)专家顾问。
1.共同通讯作者:数字经济下我国城市群发展与信息技术人才空间分布的关联研究. 统计研究, 2025.
2.独立作者:新型生育文化助力生育友好型社会建设. 中国社会科学报(社会学版),中国社会科学杂志社,总3056期,2025年1月14日.
3.第一作者,通讯作者:中国台湾地区0~2岁托育机构服务可负担性及其对育龄女性生育意愿的影响. 人口研究, 2024, 48(4): 19-32.
4.通讯作者:Association between health insurance programs and rehabilitation services utilisation among people with disabilities: evidence from China; Public Health; 2024, 232, 201e207.
5.通讯作者:The Impact of Physical Activity on Household Out-of-Pocket Medical Expenditure among Adults Aged 45 and Over in Urban China: The Mediating Role of Spousal Health Behaviour. SSM-Population health, 2024,101643, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmph.
6.第一作者,通讯作者:残疾人就业统计指标体系构建:国际经验及对中国的启示. 残疾人研究, 2023,12.
7.第一作者,通讯作者:Driving Factors for Subjective Relative Deprivation Alleviating Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults with Disabilities — China, 2023. China CDC Wkly. 2023 Sep 29;5(39):861-865. doi: 10.46234/ccdcw2023.164. PMID: 37814610; PMCID: PMC10560389.
8.第一作者,通讯作者:阶层跨越能够改善老年人的主观健康水平吗?——来自中国健康与养老追踪调查的微观证据[J]. 人口学刊,2023,45(4):97-112. DOI:10.16405/j.cnki.1004-129X.2023.04.008.
9.通讯作者: The Association between Internet Use and Depression Risk among Chinese Adults, Middle-Aged and Older, with Disabilities. Systems 2023, 11, 264. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems11050264
10.通讯作者:The Impact of Instant Reimbursement of Cross-Regional Medical Services on Hospitalization Costs Incurred by the Floating Population—Evidence from China. Healthcare 2022, 10, 1099. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare10061099
2.主持:中国生育政策体系的系统构建研究子课题“以支持生育意愿充分表达为核心的婚育文化研究”,国家社会科学基金重大项目, 2023-2026。
3.主持:托育服务体系及服务可负担性对生育意愿的影响研究, 北京市社科基金,2023-2025。
6.主持:Research on the effectiveness assessment of family supportive policies from the perspective of gender equality,联合国人口基金(UNFPA),2024-2025。
7.主持:Responding to Demographic Pressures by Strengthening the Policy Framework Addressing the Low Fertility Landscape,亚洲开发银行(ADB),2024-2025。
2.副主编,《中国残疾报告制度研究》(郑晓瑛 主编),北京大学出版社,2021年10月第一版。
3.副主编,《中国无障碍环境发展报告(2021)》(凌亢 主编),社会科学文献出版社,2021年12月第一版。
5.译著:郑晓瑛、张国有、张蕾译,《社会科学视角下的残疾研究丛书》(卷一~卷四)北京:北京大学出版社;2013年6月1日第一版。(Barbara M. Altman; et al. Research in Social Science and Disability (Volume 1~4). ELSEVIER Ltd. First Edition 2003. ISBN 0-7623-1007-1/2/3/4; ISSN 1479-3547 (Series).
2.“Demographic techniques and application in interdisciplinary field”, (英文)博士研究生必修课
3.“人口分析技术 I”(中文)学硕必修课
4.“Demographic Techniques I”(英文)留学生学硕必修课
ZHANG Lei, Ph.D.
Address: No.5 Yiheyuan Rd, Haidian District, Beijing, China, 100871
Telephone Number (O): +86-10-6275 6331
Email: zhang.lei@pku.edu.cn
Work & Training experience
Associate professor, and Vice Director of Institute of Population Research, Peking University (IPR-PKU)
Visiting scholar of Australian National University (2015-2016)
"Beijing Youth Talent Plan" Scholar, 2013
Visiting scholar of Brown University, and participated the training program of Population and Development in Brown International Advanced Research Institutes (BIARI), Brown Univeristy, 2012
YSSPer, Young Scientist Summer Program, Vienna, Austria, 2006
Research interests
Her current research interests lies at population health and sustainable development, evaluation of family and social policies, demographic and social statistics with the aim of understanding and addressing the demographic, social and economic determinants of health promotion and family well-being. Her research work has particularly focused on health issues linked to disability and ageing, fertility issues linked to social gender, and the processes of identification and in/exclusion operating at policy.
- “Special Research on Population and Social Issues”, for PhD Students, Chinese
- “Demographic techniques and application in interdisciplinary field”, for PhD Students, English
- “Demographic Techniques I”, for Master Students, Chinese/English
- “Human Behavior and Social Environment”, for Master Students (Professional Master's degree), Chinese
Expertise and Public Engagement
Executive Vice President of the Disability Statistics Branch, National Statistical Society of China
Executive Council Member of the Third Council of China Disability Research Society
Council Member of the Ninth Council of China Population Association
Executive Council Member of the Tenth Council of Beijing Population Association
Deputy Secretary General of PKU -APEC Health Science Academy
Consultant of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) as National Demographer
Consultant of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Selected Papers in Recent 3 Years
- Co corresponding author: Association between Information Technology Talents Distribution and Urban Agglomeration Development in the Context of Digital Economy [J] . Statistical Research, 2025. (in Chinese)
- Single-author: How the New Marriage and Childbearing Culture Helps Building a Childbirth-friendly Society[J]. Chinese Social Sciences Today (Sociology), Social Sciences China Press, 2025, 3056, Jan. 14.
- The first author & corresponding author: Affordability of Childcare Institutions for 0-2 Years Old and Its Impact on Women's Fertility Intention in Taiwan, China[J]. Population Research, 2024, 48(4): 19-32. (in Chinese)
- Corresponding author: Association between health insurance programs and rehabilitation services utilisation among people with disabilities: evidence from China[J]. Public Health, 2024, 232, 201e207.
- Corresponding author: The Impact of Physical Activity on Household Out-of-Pocket Medical Expenditure among Adults Aged 45 and Over in Urban China: The Mediating Role of Spousal Health Behaviour[J]. SSM-Population health, 2024,101643, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmph.
- The first author & corresponding author: Construction of Statistical Indicator System for the Employment of Persons with Disabilities: International Experience and Implications[J] . Disability Research, 2023,52(4): 77-87. (in Chinese)
- The first author & corresponding author: Driving Factors for Subjective Relative Deprivation Alleviating Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults with Disabilities — China, 2023[J]. China CDC Wkly. 2023 Sep 29;5(39):861-865. doi: 10.46234/ccdcw2023.164. PMID: 37814610; PMCID: PMC10560389.
- The first author & corresponding author: Does Class Leaping Improve the Subjective Health of the Elderly?——Micro-evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study[J] . Population Journal, 2023,45(4):97-112.
DOI:10.16405/j.cnki.1004-129X.2023.04.008. (in Chinese)
- Corresponding author: The Association between Internet Use and Depression Risk among Chinese Adults, Middle-Aged and Older, with Disabilities[J]. Systems 2023, 11, 264.https://doi.org/10.3390/systems11050264
- Corresponding author: The Impact of Instant Reimbursement of Cross-Regional Medical Services on Hospitalization Costs Incurred by the Floating Population—Evidence from China[J]. Healthcare 2022, 10, 1099. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare10061099
- The first author & corresponding author: Research on Direct Economic Burden of Major Diseases of Rural Poor Population in China[J] . Population and Development, 2022,28(2): 2-19. (in Chinese)
Selected Books
- Single author: Research on Regional Demand and Services Utilization of People Living with Disabilities in China[M]. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2019, Dec. ISBN 978-7-301-29342-3
- Associate editor: Report on the Development of Accessible Environment in China (2021) [M]. Beijing: The Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2021, Dec. IBSN 978-7-5201-9530-0 (Editor in Chief: Ling Kang)
- Associate editor: Research on the Disability Reporting System in China[M]. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2021, Oct. IBSN 978-7-301-32606-0 (Editor in Chief: Zheng Xiaoying)
- Chapter 9 "Rethinking the Development of Demography Discipline System in the Field of Social Sciences": published in the "China's Population Sciences Over the Past 40 Years (1978-2018)[M]. Shanghai: The Commercial Press, 2019, Oct. ISBN 978-7100-17440-4. (Editor in Chief: Zheng Xiaoying),
- Translated books:
Translated by Zheng, Xiaoying; Zhang, Guoyou; Zhang, Lei. Research in Social Science and Disability (Volume 1~4). Beijing: Peking University Press, 2013, June. Edited by Barbara M. Altman; et al. Published by ELSEVIER Ltd. First Edition 2003. ISBN 0-7623-1007-1/2/3/4; ISSN 1479-3547 (Series).
Research Projects in Progress
- PI:Research on the Intrinsic Capacity and Motivation for Development of Persons-with-Disabilities (PWDs) and Its Impact Mechanism on Household Livelihood Capital from the Perspective of Digital Nudging. General Program Granted by National Natural Science Foundation of China.
- PI:Research on the Systematic Construction of China's Fertility Supportive Policy System, Key Grant Project of National Social Science Fund of China. (sub-project "Study on How Marriage and Childbearing Culture Stimulate the Full Expression of Fertility Intention")
- PI:Study on the Impact of Affordability of Childcare Service on Fertility Intention, Granted by Beijing Social Science Fund.
- PI:Research of the Impact and Countermeasures of Population Trends on Medical and Health Care Services. Granted by Beijing Municipal Health Commission.
- PI:Sampling Survey Plan of China National Sample Survey on Household Income and Expenditure for PWDs, Granted by China Disabled Persons’ Federation, CDPF.
- PI:Research on the Effectiveness Assessment of Family Supportive Policies from the Perspective of Gender Equality,Granted by United Nations Population Fund , UNFPA
- PI:Responding to Demographic Pressures by Strengthening the Policy Framework Addressing the Low Fertility Landscape, Granted by Asian Development Bank, ADB, as National Demographer.
- PI:YANYUAN Training Programme for Social Workers:2025 AI for Community.
- PI:“Population & Development” ——Seminar for Graduate Students. Granted by Peking University “Innovative Plan for Graduate Students’ Education”.